Monday, 31 January 2022

 First up sudanese tribesmen. These are from Forged in Battle and are excellent figures, really easy to paint.

Base coated with light grey. Various contrast paints used to block in the figures.


Next the dismounted camel riders. These figures are from Legio Heroica. They are easy to paint but very time consuming to assemble, both spear and shield had to be glued in place. Once again they were undercoated in light grey and the main details blocked in with CPs. Then a coat of magic wash was applied and then off white highlights added to brighten the figures.

Saturday, 15 January 2022

 New Year, New Challenge.


Not that we're likely to return to the wargame club for real gaming for a while a group of fellow gamers and myself have decided to run our own painting challenge a la Wargames Illustrated, Little Wars Tv and others.

So, starting from today, 15th January it begins.


First on the painting table 15mm Sudanese.

Prepping and basing took about 45 minutes. Base coating with my airbrush took much much longer.

Last time I used the airbrush I neglected to clean it properly and it continually blocked during what should have been a 15-minute job.

The morale is keep your airbrush clean.