Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Battle of McDowell

As Brigadier General Edward Johnson crested the pass at Stuart Gap he audibly gasped at the number of Union regiments arrayed in the valley below.
"Orders is orders" he sighed to his ADC. "Form the men up and lets see what we damage we can do."
The artillery was deployed on the high ground giving them a wide field of fire on the enemy. With only three infantry regiments to play with two were sent down the left flank to put pressure on the union right while the third was deployed next to the artillery.

The early exchanges of artillery fire resulted in the Union losing one of it's batteries

The two Confederate regiments crested the hill and poured down on the Union infantry below resulting in the death of Brig. General Robert Schenk.

  The Union right flank moved forwards to engage the Confederate infantry on the hills across the river inflicting considerable damage to one regiment. 

Realising that the game was up Johnson signaled his army's withdrawl. The Union's response was to cross the stream and harry them as they left the field of combat.

1 comment:

  1. Great report Mal. The Confederates were certainly surprised by the strength of the Union garrison!
