Friday 11 March 2022

There's a lot of noise on Youtube about zenithal highlighting so I thought I'd give it a go.

The victim was a Perry Sudan British infantryman. He was sprayed with a black undercoat and light grey highlight applied from above to create the effect. He was then painted with Contrast paints with normal paints for highlights.I thought I'd put him in khaki and used aggaros dunes. I don't think the colour is too bad as the uniforms would have taken a real battering in the Sudan! So 15mins work and here's the end result. Not as neat or colour saturated as my other figures painted with black undercoat and normal acrylic paints but when there are 24 figures in a unit anything to speed up the process is worth trying.

Here he is telling the rest of his unit " Look chaps at least this way well get painted. He's had us in a box since 2014!"


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